The Community Place is very excited to have finally moved in to our new home at the old Kalinga Bowls Club!
Since being awarded the community lease by the Brisbane City Council approximately 3 years ago it has been a long journey in transforming the old club into an open and accessible community facility.
- Main Hall Downstairs
- Meeting Room
- Main Hall Upstairs
The Brisbane City Council Community Leasing Program allows groups like ours to access buildings such as these to run a wide range of community events, projects and activities.
The support of the Brisbane City Council has been instrumental in making this project a success and they have contributed a large amount of support to this site which includes:
- Land Remediation of the two bowling greens into the beautiful open space and garden areas.
- Asbestos removal in the downstairs areas
- Re-roofing of the Greenskeepers Sheds
- Painting of the building and removal of the all of the old bar and fridges in the old downstairs area.
- Removal of asbestos from the upstairs hall and reinstatement of all of the walls and painting of the walls
Brisbane City Council Grants
We have also been very fortunate to have applied for and gained several grants which have allowed us to complete the following projects:
- Installation of 10kw Solar Power System
- Installation of Accessible Toilets
- Installation of Fencing
- Building Stronger Communities Grant – installation of flooring, community bathroom and upstairs hall flooring
Other sources of funding have also been gained from:
Suncorp Bank – Community Safety Lighting
SUEZ Recycling – Garden and Landscaping Project
Gambling Community Benefit Fund – Children’s Bathroom redevelopment
The Department of Communities who contributed to the funds to redevelopment of the office areas.
Tim Nicholls State Member for Clayfield – assistance with kitchen redevelopment.
Teresa Gambaro Federal Member for Brisbane – renovation of greenskeepers sheds for the gym and office areas.
Trevor Evans Federal Member for Brisbane – installation of air conditioning to upstairs and downstairs community areas.